Grey Goo Wiki
“The simplest of these units is the Drover. Originally designed to survey terrain, they are now capable of firing a blast of deadly projectiles. They are small, but they are very dangerous in large groups.”

The Drover is a Goo light ground unit.

Considered a scout of the Goo masses, Drovers are fast and can be devastating to enemy units when in large groups. Drovers are almost never seen alone, often seen travelling in large packs.[2]


The original purpose of the Drover was blanket exploration of entire landmasses. Their rapid production and fast movement allowed groups of them to cover vast distances in a short time. Surprisingly, the Drover legs used to function rather well in the water, rotating to provide a propeller-like motion. This meant the Goo could chart both the land and the sea with relatively little investment. Though small, in large groups Drovers can shred an enemy in seconds.


The Drover once acted as the cartographer of the Goo, designed to cover a lot of ground as it surveyed planets and mapped out the terrain. Now, the Drover serves as an exploration unit against the Goo’s enemies, employing its speed and a shotgun-like blast in effective hit-and-run tactics.


  • The Drover’s high speed makes it ideal for exploring new areas quickly.
  • Though a loner by nature, the Drover is most deadly in large packs, able to use its speed and area of effect attack to deliver damage in high volumes.
  • Each small protean produces four Drovers, enabling an army to quickly ramp up.

See also[]


  1. Petroglyph Games, YouTube favicon Grey Goo - Goo: Agents of Chaos. Retrieved 2015-02-22.
  2. Petroglyph Games, Grey Box, Grey Goo. January 23, 2015.